Saturday, June 29, 2019

Laundry Soap

Tired of spending large amounts of money on laundry soap?  Then this recipe is for you!

1 bar Fels-Naptha Soap
1/2 c. Borax
1 c. Washing Soda  (This is NOT the same as baking soda.)
5 gallon bucket with lid
1 gallon containers...used milk jugs or whatever

1.  Grate the bar of soap.  Put grated soap into 4 cups of hot water and stir continuously over medium heat until soap has all dissolved and melted.
2.  Fill the bucket half full with hot water, then add the soap mixture, Borax and Washing Soda.  Mix well.
3.  Fill the bucket to the 5 gallon mark and stir it again.  Put on the lid and leave it overnight.

By morning, the soap should have thickened into a gel.  Stir it, then use a funnel to pour it into the it into the one gallon containers.  Fill each one half full with the soap and fill the remainder of the container with water.  Put on lid and then shake it to mix.

Use 3/4 c. per load of wash.  Works for regular or high efficiency washers.  Always shake well before using.

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