Saturday, March 23, 2013

Benjamin's Favorite Peanut Butter Bars

by Benjamin

1 Cup Butter ( 2 sticks)
2 C Graham cracker crumbs
2 C powdered sugar
1 1/2 C peanut butter
for topping:
1/4 C peanut butter
2 C chocolate chips
1. Combine first 4 ingredients in a large mixing bowl. Mix until well combined and smooth. Spread evenly into a 9X13 pan
2. Combine topping ingredients in a microwave safe bowl. Cook for 30 seconds at a time, and stir after each interval until melted and smooth. Spread on top of peanut butter layer.
3. Place in freezer for 15-20 minutes. After cutting, keep in refrigerator
Recipe notes-----   to create cracker crumbs, place crackers in sealable bag and hand Benjamin a rolling pin. Watch with fear as he pounds them into smithereens. Be sure to stand well back. Safety glasses may be advised.  Great recipe for kids -- its quick, and doesn't require any cooking.

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