Thursday, March 7, 2013

Pepperoni Rolls

by Nancy

1 1/2 c. warm water
1/3 c. sugar
1 pkg. yeast
1 t. salt
1/4 c. dry powdered milk
4 c. flour

Dissolve sugar, yeast, milk and salt in warm water.  Stir in enough flour to make a soft dough.  Knead on floured board for a few minutes, then shape into a ball and let raise until doubled.  Put dough back on board and cut into 12 pieces.  Flatten each piece with your hand and then put 4-5 slices of pepperoni in the middle, sort of overlapping.  Roll it up and crimp with your fingers to seal the ends, so you have a sort of oval shape with no pepperoni showing.  Put on ungreased cooking sheet.  No need to let them raise again.  Bake at 400ºF. until golden brown then brush with a bit of melted butter.
In addition to the pepperoni, you can add other ingredients, such as cheese or roasted red pepper.

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